Tuesday, October 5, 2010

brewster in the early fall

we spent the weekend in brewster, washington with our good friend will who is doing an americorps term out there. he lives in this modest and charming vacation home on the top of a hill and has over 20 miles of open sage brush and dry grass to wander (or run naked on in his case) it is excellent. he is loving his job as a math tutor at the brewster elementary school. i loved brewster this weekend. this tiny town east of winthrop. how alarming, how different the landscape is over there. there is so much to see! i mean, you can see so far far far. you can see the next city and the next city. there are no mountains or dense forests to close you in. one could say you feel boundless. you can listen to the meadowlark and see eastern bluebirds, but watch out for rattlesnakes! and great horned owls who swoop down in the night!

i love to go east sometimes. i love to feel the air change and see the trees disappear one by one until there is only a single ponderosa pine between you and the rest of the world. i also love, maybe even more, to turn around and go back home, to my place in the shadows of so many many trees, so many many rustling sweet smelling trees.

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