1. going back to school for my special ed and elementary ed dual endorsement
2. expanding my etsy shop
3. this motivating project from elsie and rachel , so much fun and right up my alley
4. as well as this exciting project (because sometimes i need a little motivation help)
5. much bird watching and journaling
6. finishing up my second americorps term with the washington reading corps
7. and this summer, i don't care, i'm doing it. i'm going to the kenny chesney concert. that's it.
i have had a really great week with the family, eating good food, cuddling with my puppy, shopping, thrifting, relaxing, seeing my girlfriends, and hanging out with my little brother at seedy taverns with karaoke. i am so thankful and happy to have such supportive, wonderful, and amazing family and friends. but now, back to bellingham for a short while before heading to idaho for new years! i am so excited to see more good friends and tromp around in the snow. i hope to see a moose, a gyrfalcon, and Sade!!! happy 2011!